The contents and properties of an interactive form are defined by an interactive form dictionary that is referenced from the AcroForm entry in the document catalog in the PDF file. 交互式表单的内容和属性都是由一个交互式表单字典定义的,这个字典引用自PDF文件的文档类别的AcroForm条目。
ENV algorithm based on Chinese Synonym Dictionary and WordNet, generates Extended Name Vector set that contains English synonyms, Chinese synonyms and their synonyms, combinations or abbreviations according to entity of Busi-ness Data Catalog. 算法以同义词词林和WordNet为支撑,根据业务数据目录中的实体信息生成包含中英文同义词、合成词、缩写词的名称扩展向量集,为MHEA算法提供理论基础。